- Cat Lady Knitted Sweater$88.88
- Marylin - Alien$5,555.55
- Happy Face #2 - Ocean$3,333.33
- Mini Octopus
Sold out - Lighthouse - Blue$1,111.11
- Tree of Abundance$5,000.00
- Pink Flamingo Shirt$40.00
- Rooster Shirt$40.00
- Expensive Shxt - Smiling Dog
Sold out - Rooster$3,456.78
- Marilyn Monroe / The Virgin$4,567.89
- The Christ Vibration$10,500.00
- Zen Frog
Sold out - Flamingo
Sold out - Dillard Elementary 2024$7,000.00
- The Storm Won't Take Long. It's Florida!$1,300.00
- See You Later$1,500.00
- Gato Prieto (Black Cat)
Sold out